07/09/2012 19:59

Hi everyone, I have talked about food before but I wanted to go into more detail about growing your own as some of you have said you don't have a lot of room to grow veg etc.  If you have fences which most of us do you can hang plastic hanging baskets from hooks or brackets on the panels. If you use plastic then they won't be too heavy. In these you can grow lettuce, cherry tomatoes, strawberries and spinach. If you have a  patio  or spaces in your flower beds then you can use this space to grow cabbage ,spring greens  ,peas, sprouts  and broccoli  also in pots, you can put them on bricks to raise them up. Ice plant is great as it is full of water and they love it, it is cheap to buy and very easy to take cuttings from; all you do is snap a piece off remove the lower leaves then put into roots very quickly as well. As for containers if you go to boot sales look for old butler sinks and odd things .One of my containers is an old toilet  !!!  it looks great  believe me.. The pound shop is great for plastic pots and if you like things to put in the pots you will love the plastic windmills and pottery knomes and things you can also get from the pound shop. Just look in your shed I am sure you will find all sorts of things to use. When you plant up put lots of limestone flour in the soil so when the plants grow they will naturally have calcium in them. You can grow from seed or buy baby plants . Check places like B&Q , I look in the sale area and always find little straggly plants for 10p that just need a little tlc.  If you start early in the season then you will have food for the whole summer.  Weeds obviously are really good but it is also good to give a varied diet so as not to end up with a fussy tortoise. So, even if you have a tiny garden there will be lots of places   to use. Metal basket holders that push into the ground  are good. Push them in and then you hang the basket from it, I get mine from the factory shop.They look like a pole with a curve on the end.If anyone has other ideas please put them on the forum...Happy planting.....