Tortoise Check Up

12/09/2012 18:59

As  winter approaches now is a good time to give your torties the once over. If you weigh them regularly which is a good idea then you will know if it is putting on weight. I keep a diary and scales together and weigh mine once a month. So, bring in one at a time if you have a few ; I have 26 outside so it takes me quite a while. Have a good look at the shell ,it should be nice and firm no soft areas which could be a sign of rot.Check for  anything unusual. Check the face and eyes they should be nice and bright. Check the nostrils, they should be dry with no mucas present. Look at the mouth;if you can  get your tortie to open it by offering a treat then all the better. The inside of the mouth should be pink and not dry.Look at the claws and all four legs. Any grazes found can be helped by germolene or antibiotic ointment. Check the back end and make sure it is clean as Very Very rarely flies can lay eggs on the male because he swings it to the side and if not clean can close  it  with a fly attached. If left the egg hatches and the maggot can eat into the flesh of the tortoise. I have known  this happen once in 36 years so please don't panic.Now weigh and bathe....Check every week now until hibernation. It doesn't take long and when they hibernate you will know all is well. Also stock up with good quality hay to use in their housing for hibernation. Please look at past blogs about hibernation, it is very important to do this as naturally as possible....